Monday 10 May 2010

this is me when i was 29 st 8lbs a very unhappy person !!

my friends in Australia all sent their birthday wishes and Chrissy sent me a Pandora bracelet its so beautiful iam looking forward to adding to it robyn gave me money for my birthday to get a charm for it chrissy is one special lady its maybe a good job we live at opposite sides of the world as i dont think we would be allowed in the same country she is a witch lol

this is me with my flowers and gifts holly and jenny gave me after i had done my story
the is is me with my sister in law isabel she helps us out at ww we get on fantastically we alway have a great time when we go out

this is robyn zac and i walking at langlands moss
robyn with our lovely weight watchers girls
waiting for robyn at glasgow airport

my friend robyn from weightwatchers in australia said to me she might be coming over to the uk and she would like to come to visit me we were so excited she arrived in april this year and stayed with us for several days it was as if we had known each other for years
last year i started to go back to my old ways when we lost mac i started to eat rubbish again but i gave myself a boot up the bum and got back to weightwatchers i have now started to loose again

i decided to update my blog as so many things have happened last semptember we had to have mac put to sleep as his kidneys failed it was so sad as we had him for 13 years he was so much part of our family we loved him dearly we miss him so much. We decided to give the boy above a chance of a new life as he was in dogs trust and hadnt had a good start in life he has just turnrd 2 and he is a rascal we go for long walks and we go to parks and the beach, when we got him we had a lot of problems with him but thats in the past, this is zac